
Anthony J. Sanner

Copyright © 1995-96. All rights reserved.

This article is based on personal experience. It is not an intellectual analysis, but it is directed toward the intellectual, and those so inclined. It will be brief.

My fears were fueled by my psychic and physical traits during encounters. The first I dealt with very successfully, while the second could only be approached obliquely.

Never in my youth would I guess physical encounters would be part of my future, yet these events did occur in my later years. Events classified as the first and second kind never ignited such apprehensions. Why? Obviously, my psychological makeup was equal to the task. But again, why? The 'moment-point' or 'spacious-present' allows one to appreciate life more fully. Both terms originated with the Seth publications, by authoress Jane Roberts. From these transcendent states, I appreciated the greater reality of my total self. Under those conditions, fear was replaced by something akin to love. Robert Monroe acknowledged the 'fear barrier' which he dealt with during his out-of-body explorations. I also encountered such apprehensions during my trips. Yet, I always felt that I was inviolate. Even under the most trying of circumstance, something similar to love saw me through. I can say that such abilities are within every explorer's reach. But, whether or not this well-spring of energy is tapped, only the experiencer can decided.

All men are not created equal. True, yet also false. Within the physical body, constants exist. Perhaps on a cellular or molecular level, perhaps beyond. A superior metaphysician could define these constants. I cannot. However intuitively, I knew my limitations existed. Putting it bluntly, there was no way I could face an alien being in those states of consciousness which I now accessed. Something prevented this. Yet, I so yearned for this opportunity! To board the ship; to move through the stars: I ached for this experience!

After a few years of alien intercourse, experience led me to conclude that only under extraordinary circumstances would I be able to approach them. In the summer of 1978, I decide on a unique course of action. My employment allowed access to a regional park after normal duty hours. Our most excellent 1973 Ford station wagon with tailgate was just the tool enabling this experiment. I obtained that key to the park gate, that key to another world, locked myself in and waited. By 11:30 PM, nothing was happening! I was getting extremely pissed! All this trouble, and nothing! I gave them a mental blast that I would leave unless it was indicated otherwise. Instantly, about two hundred yards away, a large green globe of light appeared, and immediately shut off. Well, I decided to stay. They were here! Another two hours passed - nothing. Suddenly, extreme fatigue overcame me; I felt drugged. Laying on the talegate of my car, looking up at the stars, waiting for them, I fell asleep. I felt very good; all was going to be OK!

Then, I was out-of-body, looking down on the tailgate of the wagon, watching their approach. Only two were present, dressed in a rather dark patterned uniforms, humanoid with some kind of silvery metallic bands at their waists and wrists. Facial features were unclear. Two hours later I awakened, pretty dammed scared, and immediately left the park.

So, my plan worked! I have no memory of those two hours and am not making any effort to revive them. Yet, for all my success, the experience was terrifying! Yes, the second reason for this terror was physiological. Some condition which existed coincident with my physical body generated this fearful response. Maybe it simply triggered a hormonal surge. My opinion surely, yet there are no authorities to disputed this idea. This was the second source of fear which I sensed, that which I could not overcome or alleviate, and that which all humans face when abducted.

Responses are welcome.

Anthony J. Sanner
December 31, 1995
Fair Oaks, CA